Puppy Application

Puppy Application
This pre-adoption application asks questions to help you and Roseland Shilohs decide if a Shiloh Shepherd is the right breed for you. It will help us to select the right puppy for you. We observe the puppies' behaviors, personalities and temperaments. The information on this form helps us to get to know a little bit about you. We urge you to be very honest with us about yourself and your home life, as the main goal is to find suitable homes for our puppies. One puppy may be perfect in a busy household, while another may panic and need a quiet home. Shiloh Shepherds truly have their own personalities.
About You and Your Lifestyle
Do you rent or own your home?
Do you have a fenced yard?
About Your Dog Experience

What You are Looking For

More Details & References

Breeder relationship (check all that apply)
Are you and your household willing to travel to Roseland Shilohs to discuss your application and meet our Shilohs?